Walsh, Eric, Stefanie Krantz, Amber Ziegler, Josiah Pinkham, Alan Marshall, Rue Hoover, Tom Gardali, and Tara Hudiburg. Dec 2019. “Building a Collaborative Tribal Adaptation Plan via the Integration of Cultural Values and Perspectives.” Poster presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Krantz, Stefanie, Amber Ziegler, Rue Hoover, Josiah Pinkham, Alan Marshall, Nakia Williamson, Tom Garaldi. Apr 2019. “Learning to Braid: Weaving Traditional Knowledge and Western Science in a Climate-Smart Restoration Toolkit.” Oral presentation, National Adaptation Forum, Madison, WI.
Ziegler, Amber. Mar 2019. “Weaving Knowledges: Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Planning.” Oral presentation, Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Krantz, Stefanie, Rue Hoover, Amber Ziegler, Alan Marshall, Josiah Pinkham, Nakia Williamson, Tom Garaldi, and Eric Walsh. Oct 2018. “Learning to Braid: Weaving Traditional Knowledge and Western Science in a Climate-Smart Wetland and Riparian Restoration Toolkit.” Oral presentation, Northwest Climate Conference, Boise, ID.
Alessa, Lilian, James Gosz, David Griffith, Andrew Kliskey, and Amber Ziegler. 2018. “MtnSEON and Social-Ecological Systems Science in Complex Mountain Landscapes.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16:1. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.1753.
Ziegler, Amber. 2017. “An Ethnography of a Social Ecological Systems Team Science Network.” Thesis. University of Idaho. Read More.


Genessee Valley Luther Church Cemetery, Latah County, ID - Feb 2016